Pet Microchipping
Keep your pet safe and easy to find with Dr Wendy’ pet microchipping services. We all love our pets. And we do the best we can to provide them with a safe and fulfilling life. We buy them the best foods, fun toys and shower them with love at any opportunity (whether they want it or not). It’s a big world out there. And your cat or dog doesn’t understand the dangers that lurk in cities or suburbs. Yet, they still have an innate desire to explore the world around them. And while that notion sounds freeing, it can be dangerous for them.
Because these animals are domesticated, the instincts which would have guided them in the wild haven’t been developed. And that means that their ability to hunt for themselves is virtually non-existent and their sense of direction is unreliable. Therefore, if they get lost, they need to be found.
Pet microchipping can make the identification process much easier. And Dr Wendy’s mobile vet care provides safe and effective pet microchipping services that are reliable and affordable – keeping your pet safe.
What Is A Microchip?
Pet microchipping? You might be wondering what a microchip is and why you’d want to put one in your pet. Which makes sense. To some it can sound like the plot of a Sci-Fi movie. However it’s a very real practice.
So what is a microchip?
In this context, it is an alternative to a collar. A microchip is a tiny piece of technology the size of a grain of rice. A bio glass sleeve contains the chip. And the sleeve is safe for your pet. We’ll insert the chip into your pet’s skin, usually between their shoulder blades. And the procedure is easy, affordable and painless.
There are some risks of side effects such as temporary bleeding, hair loss, infection, abscesses and microchip migration. However, these side effects are extremely rare.
We’ll upload you pet’s information to a national database that is secure and easy to access. And thanks to this minuscule piece of technology, identifying your pet will be a far more efficient task. By using a specialized scanner, the chip will provide all of the necessary information to vets or animal control services.
Another great aspect of using a microchip is that they are impossible to lose. It’s easy to lose a collar. It can get stuck on a branch. You might lose it after removing it from your pet. Because a microchip is contained inside your pet, it is far more reliable. Additionally, microchips can last up to 25 years. Kelowna web design
Does Your Pet Need A Microchip?
Previously, we pet owners relied on the tags attached to their pet’s collar. The collars would indicate the name of the pet and a phone number to call.
A microchip is a modernized version of this. It’s much smaller, provides more information, virtually impossible to lose, lasts longer and is ultimately much more reliable and affordable.
So if you’re thinking of microchipping your pet. Dr Wendy’s mobile vet care offers pet microchipping services in the comfort of your home.